giovedì 29 agosto 2024

Remembering Glenn Cornick

On August 29, 2014, at the age of 67, Glenn Cornick, the first bassist of Jethro Tull, the band with which he played from 1968 to 1970, passed away.

That's how I got to know him...

My first ITULLIANS Convention dates back to 2006, Novi Ligure.

Arriving in the area dedicated to the concert, in the early afternoon, the first person I saw was Glenn, sitting in the bar in front of the theater, with his little son who drove him crazy.

Smiling, helpful, cheerful... It seemed impossible to suddenly find myself in front of him, whom I was used to seeing only on album covers.

That day I bought his new album, of which he was clearly proud and which we listened to live.

I met him on that occasion and later he gave me a long interview that tells me a lot about him and about... other.

Then there was another opportunity to meet, the 2008 Convention, in Alessandria, the day on which he presented himself with a very visible colored crest.

He performed in the afternoon with OAK and in the evening, on the "major" stage: great show!

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